Ec Short Form Co

Do you accept that the information contained in this Form RS may be used by the Member States and/or EFTA States concerned for the purpose of examining all or part of the case following a referral in accordance with Article 4(4) of the Merger Regulation, or part thereof? Yes or no. You may request in writing the Commission to accept the completeness of the notification, notwithstanding the failure to provide the information required by this Form CO, if such information is not available in whole or in part (e.g. B because no information on a target company is available in a contested bid). Each party that completes the notice is responsible for the accuracy of the information it provides. existing service networks (e.B. maintenance and repair) and their importance in these markets. To what extent are these services provided by third parties and/or companies belonging to the same group as the parties? The Commission shall examine requests for exemption provided that you provide sufficient reasons why the information in question is not necessary for the examination of the case. Waivers will be addressed as part of the review of a draft Form CO. Therefore, in line with the best practices of DG Competition, DG Competition would normally need five working days to conduct a Community merger control procedure before it could respond to requests for exemption.

The European Commission also needs comprehensive information on certain other markets that may be relevant for the assessment of competition, including neighbouring markets in which the parties, individually or collectively, have a market share of 30 % or more. The 2021 Future Ready Lawyer survey found that 78% of law firms recognize the impact of transformative technologies. Kluwer Competition Law is a superior feature with a wealth of exclusive content. The tool allows you to make more informed decisions faster from any preferred location. As a competition lawyer, are you ready for the future? Find out how Kluwer Competition Law can help. ”The notifier(s) declare, to the best of their knowledge and belief, that the information provided in this notification is true, accurate and complete, that accurate and complete copies of the documents required by Form CO have been submitted, that all estimates are marked as such and represent their best estimates of the underlying facts – and that all opinions expressed are sincere. any legal or regulatory barrier to entry, such as .B regulatory approvals or the establishment of standards in any form; Requests for exemption should be submitted with a draft Form CO in order to allow the Commission to determine whether or not the information for which an exemption is requested is necessary for the examination of the case. Deviations should be made either in the text of the draft Form CO itself or in the form of an e-mail or letter to the case manager and/or head of unit concerned. This Form CO contains the information that notifiers must provide to the European Commission concerning a proposed concentration or other concentration. The EU merger control system is governed by Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings(3) (`the Merger Regulation`) and Regulation (EC) No 2004.

Commission 802/2004(4) (`the Implementing Regulations`), to which this Form CO is attached. The text of this Regulation and other relevant documents are available on the Competition page of the Commission`s europa website. You are reminded of the relevant provisions of the Agreement on the European Economic Area(5) (hereinafter referred to as the ”EEA Agreement”). The Commission wishes to draw attention to the obligations to which the parties to a concentration may be subject under Union and/or national rules on information and consultation in concentrations vis-à-vis workers and/or their representatives. .