6.8. Any complete application received by the Department that exceeds the province`s annual allocation will not be processed and will be returned to the potential applicant. New Brunswick is committed to monitoring the number of endorsements issued and not issuing more endorsements than is reasonably likely to fulfill the New Brunswick Pilot Allowance. 10.3. New Brunswick will promptly notify Canada of all suspected or confirmed fraud involving, among others, applicants, employers and immigration officers and third-party educational institutions, subject to section 10 of the Agreement and in accordance with the policies and procedures set out in the Canada-New Brunswick Information Sharing Agreement. 10.1. New Brunswick is responsible for detecting and deterring fraud in the management of its designation and approval processes. To ensure program integrity, New Brunswick will conduct regular quality assurance exercises and participate in quality assurance exercises conducted by Canada. New Brunswick will make changes to its processes as necessary and in a timely manner, if quality assurance exercises have identified the need for such changes, subject to the consent of all parties. 7.4. New Brunswick shall issue a dated designation indicating an employer`s eligibility to participate in the pilot project. Designations are valid for the pilot period, but New Brunswick will conduct an annual review of existing designations to determine if the original designation is still valid and if the employer continues to be in good standing with: 7.15. The provinces` decision to support an applicant is based solely on the province`s labour market demand and the recognition criteria expressly set out in this Agreement, including the employer`s obligation to assist the principal applicant and his or her family members in accessing settlement services to meet their needs.
as set out in the complete needs analyses and comparison plans prior to acquisition. Non-economic factors, including but not limited to family ties, are not a determining factor in the approval decision. Foreign nationals who have received a job offer from a non-employer employer and who have not yet applied for permanent residence under the pilot project can no longer apply for employment in the pilot as part of that employer`s job rating and offer. However, they are eligible to submit an offer of employment from another designated employer, provided they have received a new confirmation from the province and meet the requirements of the pilot. The Province will commit to facilitating the process of finding a new job by providing information abroad about employment opportunities with other designated employers. 7.11.2. The employer is committed to facilitating access to a minimum level of settlement support for the applicant and his or her family members, as specified in its pre-takeover needs analyses and comparison plans, including up to 300 hours of language training required to achieve Level Five of the Canadian language for the principal applicant. 9.1. Canada may issue a work permit to applicants hired by employers designated by New Brunswick under the ICTR, provided that the Department has obtained section 7.3.3 from the applicant. The employer has provided or accepts to the organization, including managers and employees, cultural sensitivity and workplace awareness if a federal or provincial organization of an immigrant settlement provider has deemed it appropriate or necessary. 7.2.
New Brunswick only accepts applications for designation or approval submitted on the official designation and applications for approval on the province`s website. In addition, New Brunswick undertakes not to modify the content of these forms without prior consultation and without the consent of Canada and the other Atlantic provinces. 5.1.5. the key role of employers in achieving desired settlement and retention outcomes, particularly in hiring candidates and supporting immigrants and their families, which will help facilitate the integration process; All AIPP programs are employer-focused, meaning candidates need a job offer to meet the criteria. Therefore, local employers play an important role in this process. 7.4.4. all pilot project conditions and requirements set out in the employer designation and approval forms (including the needs assessment, billing plan and reporting obligations). 8.2. Canada considers New Brunswick`s approval to be evidence that New Brunswick has determined that hiring a foreign national under the pilot project will be of economic benefit to New Brunswick. Despite this, Canada has the authority to make the final selection decision. 7.10. In carrying out its responsibility to designate an employer and assist potential applicants under this Agreement, New Brunswick will use the processes established under the Pilot Project, which are referred to in Sections 7.1 to 7.9 and which have been amended from time to time by agreement of the Parties, provided that such criteria, policies and procedures comply with IRPA.
the RPIR or subsequent laws and regulations, the national immigration policy and the terms of this Agreement. This process will apply to all employers and candidates appointed under the pilot, and New Brunswick does not have the authority to waive any part of these processes. 9.7. New Brunswick will provide each letter with a valid unique identifier in accordance with section 9.2. For security reasons, the province will send a record of this letter electronically to Canada. The letter specifies the information elements described in the Canada-New Brunswick Memorandum of Understanding on Information Sharing. A letter received from the client or employer for which Canada has not received a record will not be accepted as evidence in accordance with Article 9.2. To participate, employers must meet certain requirements, including a commitment to help the newcomer and their family integrate into their new life in Atlantic Canada. The AEP strengthens the ability of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to attract and retain a skilled workforce by taking an innovative approach to immigrant selection. This approach involves closer coordination between governments, employers, municipalities and settlement authorities to improve immigrant retention. Newfoundland and Labrador PIPA Employer Requirements Under the Agreement, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador may designate employers to participate in the AEP and assist eligible candidates who have a job offer from a particular employer. Once appointed, employers are more easily able to attract skilled immigrants from around the world.
During these sixty (60) days, the employer cannot request confirmation from the province. The Province will immediately inform the Department of Citizenship and Immigration of the investigation and applications for permanent residence and will contact the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to communicate the results of the process. Employers whose designation has been revoked will not be able to access the pilot project for a period of three (3) years. The Province will also make all reasonable efforts to inform all affected foreign nationals in writing of the decision and next steps. 7.5.2. If New Brunswick`s post-secondary education, work and training are aware of fraud or misrepresentation in the foreign national`s application for designation or endorsement or application for permanent residence in relation to the offer of employment 6.2. Canada will consult with participating provinces on the allocation of these pilot areas in the Atlantic region. Subject to section 6.1, this allocation may be adjusted at any time of the year by agreement between Canada and the participating provinces. 7.3.2. the Employer is in compliance with employment standards and occupational health and safety legislation and the Corporation is authentic and has been operating continuously in the Atlantic region for two years, or the Employer may demonstrate continued and active operation in another location and provide confirmation of ”Opportunities New Brunswick” approval indicating support for the Corporation`s plans to move to New Brunswick; 7.17.
Potential applicants must submit a complete application for immigration to Canada within the time specified on the reference or within ninety (90) days of applying for a temporary work permit under the pilot project, whichever is lower. New Brunswick agrees that notices are valid for six (6) months from the date of certification, unless New Brunswick revokes them in its sole discretion and no renewal of confirmation is granted. Any mention that did not lead to the submission of an application for permanent residence will cease to be valid on December 31, 2021 or at the end of the program, whichever is later. .