Some singular masculine adjectives form the feminine by doubling the last consonant before the ‐ e-end. See Table 6. Singular adjectives ending in a silent e do not change in the feminine. The masculine and feminine forms are written and pronounced in the same way, as follows: English adjectives have a unique form, but in French they can have up to 4 *, depending on the sex and the number of nouns they modify: form the feminine singular singular of the masculine singular adjectives ending in f by changing -f to – ve. See Table 4. In French, adjectives MUST correspond to the noun they describe in GENDER (male/female) and number (singular/plural). In grammatical terms, the correspondence of the correct form of adjectives with the nouns they describe is called adjective conformity. An explanation of how French adjectives should correspond to nouns they describe as a masculine singular is the standard form to which feminine and/or plural endings are added. For regular adjectives**, these endings are e for feminine and s for plural. Most adjectives add e to the masculine singular form to obtain the feminine singular. Be careful when you see masculine adjectives ending in ‐e, ‐eux, ‐f and ‐er, because for these you don`t just add e. (Note that adding this e to a previously silent consonant results in the pronunciation of that consonant. However, there is no change in pronunciation when e is added to a vowel.) See Table 1 for a list of common adjectives in their masculine or feminine form.
Most French adjectives are placed after the nouns they describe. Some French adjectives precede the nouns they describe. (See: French Grammar: Placement of adjectives) Form the singular feminine of the singular masculine adjectives ending in é by adding ‐ e as shown in Table 2. Tips for learning `Adjective agreement: general rules`? Share them with us! Unlike English, most French adjectives are placed after the nouns they change. However, some adjectives precede the noun. In addition, if you use more than one adjective to describe a noun, you must follow the investment rules. Some adjectives have both an irregular feminine form and a special masculine form used before a silent vowel or ”h”: singular masculine adjectives ending in them form the feminine by changing ‐ x to ‐ se, as shown in Table 3. Adjectives describe a noun and all French adjectives correspond to the noun in gender and number. Learn more about French grammar with us. Are you still struggling with ”Adjective Agreement: General Rules”? Do you want to improve your French? Try our online French lessons and get a free placement! An adjective is a word that describes a noun. In English, adjectives must match their noun, meaning they must indicate whether they are masculine or feminine and singular or plural to conform to the noun.
Most adjectives in French come after the noun, unlike English. For example: While English adjectives always precede the nouns they describe, most French adjectives follow nouns: the irregular adjectives in Table 7 have no rules and must be memorized. Most French adjectives are plural by adding to the singular form of the adjective (masculine or feminine) -s: one of the eight parts of the language, adjectives are a kind of modifier; That is, they modify or describe names in a certain way and allow you to know the size, shape, weight, color, nationality or one of the countless other possible qualities of names. An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun. All French adjectives in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) correspond to the nouns they describe. In fact, in English, all the words in a sentence must correspond to each other: for example, if the noun or pronoun is singular, its verb and all the adjectives that describe it must also be singular. If the noun is feminine, the adjective it describes must also be feminine. Adjectives must correspond to the noun, even if they are not directly side by side in the sentence: current / current: real bon / good: good kind / nice same / similar: same / identical Egyptian / Egyptian: Egyptian cadet / cadet: younger / youngest.
These amplifiers stand in front of the adjective. For example: His house is very modern. – His house is very modern. beautiful (bel) / beautiful: handsome / beautiful crazy (fol) / crazy: crazy soft (mol) / soft: soft new (new) / new: new old (old) / old: old yellow / yellow sincere / sincere: sincere beast / beast: stupid / silly / foolish shy / shy shy / sympathetic: nice The boy and the girl are very young and cute. They are very tall and blonde. Sie (masc.) sind sehr groß und blond. sportif / sportiv : athletic actif / active : active neuf / neuve : new bref / brève : short (*Note that there is also an accent above the first –e in the female form of this adjective). bas / basse : low épais / épaisse : thick grass / grasse : greasy / fatty / large : large / fat Il est très sympathique et un patron idéal.
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