M67.01 is a billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis of the short (acquired) Achilles tendon, the right ankle. A ”billable code” is detailed enough to specify a medical diagnosis. Soft tissue diseases are diseases that affect soft tissues. 2. Select Try/Buy and follow the instructions to start your 30-day free trial – The first section of this topic is illustrated below – Enter your tag names separated by a space and press Enter There`s more to see – the rest of this list is only available to subscribers. This is the official approximate correspondence between ICD9 and ICD-10 as provided by the General Equivalence Mapping Pedestrian Crossing. This means that although there is no exact mapping between this ICD10 code M67.01 and a single ICD code9, 727.81 is an approximate match for comparison and conversion purposes. To see the full topic, please log in or purchase a subscription… .